The NSNS campus was designed specifically with young children in mind. Each bright, roomy classroom offers a calm backdrop for engagement of young minds and bodies and allows children to feel confident and secure.

The school house was constructed specifically to meet the needs of young children and its child-friendly design enables them to quickly master their surroundings thus allowing them to feel secure while building confidence and self-esteem. Our indoor environment offers dedicated spaces for the wide array of activities integral to the development of the whole child and includes the ‘Big Room’ for music and movement, open and bright classrooms, kitchenettes for cooking projects and a giant indoor sandbox!

Our specially designed playground builds on the school’s existing woodland setting to spur imaginative play, sensory discovery, and developmentally-appropriate physical accomplishments. The thoughtful layout offers high-activity structures and spaces, social play areas, gardens, and serene spots for more relaxed play.

Our outdoor classrooms foster connections to the natural world. Situated on several acres abutting conservation land, our purposeful outdoor environments are utilized on a daily basis in almost any kind of weather. As children grow, so does the distance that they travel on foot from NSNS to our beautiful surrounding paths in the woods. Our classrooms set off in search for signs of animals, stop to listen for birds, or to observe shadows, tadpoles, or the ever changing trees as each season passes. The children become masterful guides of each path they take.