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Older Class

Our Older Class year gives our Pre-kindergarten students the unique opportunity to master their school environment, mentor younger children, and hone the skills that fuel a lifelong love of learning.

Older Class students spend most of each day immersed in our unique Outdoor Classroom. By providing a natural landscape for the use of natural materials, as well as typical classroom materials and manipulatives, the Outdoor Classroom enhances each child’s learning experience and enables students to capitalize on the previous social and emotional skills gained from our Toddler and Younger classrooms.

Program Snapshot

4 days/week

8:30 AM - 1:00 PM (M/T/Th)

includes Lunch

8:30 AM - 12:00 PM (W)


Wednesday Lunch Bunch

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (W)

Stay & Play

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (M/T/Th)

Friday Explorers 

8:30 AM - 12:00 PM (F)

Fri. Explorers Lunch Bunch

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (F)

6/7:1 Student-Teacher ratio

Ages 4-5

Must be 4 by August 31st

Child balancing on a tree log at North Shore Nursery School

By experiencing all that the outdoor classroom has to offer, our Older Class students gain incredible independence, confidence, and resilience. Each week the Older Class ventures deep into the woods, equipped with appropriate outdoor gear and clothing depending on the season.

Pink Earth

These outdoor adventures allow students to use their sense of observation and spatial reasoning skills, as well as their bodies, to connect with nature. Students begin to ask questions such as: 

Where will this trail lead?

How do the trails connect?

Which direction will we be traveling?

Through observation and trail mapping, Older Class students learn to work as a group, deciding which trail to take by remembering the distinct characteristics of each hike. Students also learn how to follow the trail markers on their way to and from school, all of which fosters a love of the outdoors, learning, and teamwork.

As a result of these hikes, outdoor adventures, and regular classroom activities, Older Class students typically learn and explore the following:

Understanding the give/take of friendships 

butterfly icon

Studying the metamorphosis of a Monarch Butterfly

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Examining creatures in our “Backyard”

Exploring things that roll, such as ramps and pathways

Experiencing early literacy

Deepening mathematical engagement

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Investigation social studies

Building in the Maker Space

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