Tuition & Tuition Assistance
NSNS strives to keep tuition within reach for young families while maintaining our commitment to excellent early childhood education.

North Shore Nursery School delivers the highest quality preschool experience for children and their families through our low student-teacher ratio, small classroom sizes, highly-qualified faculty, remarkable indoor and outdoor facilities, and diverse enrichment programming. For information on tuition, please contact Susannah DiPasquale, Director of Enrollment, at
Tuition Assistance
NSNS partners with Student and School Services (SSS) for our tuition assistance process. Families interested in tuition assistance should indicate this on their enrollment application. Interested families should then set up an account on School and Student Services (SSS) and complete the online Parents Financial Statement (PFS). Required documents include your family’s most recent tax return.
After completing the application, SSS will provide an objective assessment of a family’s eligibility for assistance to NSNS and NSNS’ Tuition Assistance Committee will meet to make tuition assistance decisions. Families will be notified about their tuition assistance status on a rolling basis.
Tuition Assistance Process Review:
Family completes NSNS Application and then Family completes SSS forms online
SSS analyzes information and sends a report to NSNS
NSNS’ Tuition Assistance Committee meets to review SSS report
NSNS Business Manager reaches out to the family with details concerning tuition assistance award
For any questions regarding this online application process, please contact the SSS Family Resource Center or call their customer service line at 800-344-8328.
For additional assistance, please contact NSNS Business Manager: 978-922-8450;